Glen Stoll - part III
Recorded on 11/5/2008
0:45 How the thirteenth ammendment was lost
1:10 Constitution was turned on its head
1:30 The 5 original checks and balances
3:50 The title change in the constitution changes its application
5:25 Control is necessary in an imperfect society
6:30 How did you get this "citizen of heaven" license plate?
7:00 Renton Christian Center (see comment from Glen)
8:00 Reverend Paul Revere came up with a way to win the struggle to fix the problem in our lifetime.
9:40 A retreat caught Glen's heart. He pursued getting a church driver's license.
12:05 the first experience within a new jurisdiction
15:30 I have already lost my life
17:46 back to our story...
19:28 We only have rights God gives us.
20:32 Drivers License is a certificate of residency - not a certification of competency
20:57 I decided I am expatriating from the secular and repatriating to the spiritual
21:40 Cop pulls me over... first stop with heaven documents and plates
27:50 Certificate of life birth - what it really is
29:20 Consent of the governed - what does that mean?
32:00 Deciding who you are, what to do and what is and is not a moral imperitive
35:50 An answer to prayer
37:20 Entertaining angels unawares
39:00 Receive the blessings of Christ