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I warn you before I ate you |
I have been sympathetic to this message for years but have always had reservations, which is why I still pay my taxes and still have a social security number and am still out of jail.
If you want to view this first, that might be helpful. It's ok, I'll wait....
Ok now you see that this video introduces a lot of history and new definitions for words we commonly use, especially those involved in commerce.
I have no objection to these ideas but they are just that, ideas.
There is evidence to show that the conclusions of this video are possibly true in that we have actual acts by governments that subjugate the common man to criminal acts by the elite.
But this is not new. This is how it has been since Nimrod.
The core problem I have with this kind of message is that it is not doing justice nor is it granting mercy. It is calling for rebellion.
The evils we live with are so deeply entrenched, even into our own subconscious, that it appears impossible to extricate ourselves from it. Even our justice (Just-Us) system is simply so corrupt that even the best patriots can't break through to truth and justice. (Bob Schultz comes to mind)
But rather than "trust and obey" and wait for God to invoke his wrath and judgment upon the earth, we patriots are determined to "fix" it. That is not bad if you do it like Schultz does but that is not how much of the patriot fighters generally behave.
This video sites no sources. It's language comments site no etymologies. It doesn't name names. It simply presents an argument that we have been enslaved. It seems to think there is a solution but it does not specify what that might be.
The only way to properly do justice is to present evidence of a crime by someone to a victim before an objective judge that has authority to execute that judgment. The criminal must be named.
The problem is, we just don't have such a judge to appeal to at this time.
King David said on his death bead (2 Sam 23)
6 But the godless are like thorns to be thrown away,
for they tear the hand that touches them.
7 One must use iron tools to chop them down;
they will be totally consumed by fire.”
We see that the evil we have to fight with harms anyone that tries to stop them and must be handled with a rod of iron. This means that the only way to remove this evil from us is in the hands of a benevolent dictator - a righteous king.
This tells me that we will defeat this foe only with the help of Jesus after his second return when He will rule this world with a rod of iron.
I look forward to that day (which may be coming to fruition even now).
All this understanding of the Babylonian system of trickery and slavery we are under cannot be removed by our efforts. I think it is good to teach the precepts in this video to help people avoid the system as much as possible but realize that rebellion will not free us - it will only make things worse.
We are in the second great captivity and that age is soon to come to an end. Not by our works but by the will of a much higher authority.
Live honestly and humbly and, with as much justice and mercy as you can muster, wait patiently upon God to fix it all. Look up for your redemption draws ever closer.