Saturday, May 9, 2009

Principles in Liberty 37

Another talk with Steve Pidgeon

Recorded on 5-8-2009

00:30 Intro01:26 What about this tea party thing steve?
02:06 I'd love to know all the bills my representative voted for that he could not have possibly read.
02:45 New news breaking: Move to change commerce clause case law. Judge Nipolitano
04:10 We are in the complete collapse of federalism.
07:43 The U.S. Government may be completely insolvent.
08:10 The FED system explained
12:00 CA is about to make more cuts to avoid insolvency.
13:50 CA should sue the USG for damages caused by the USG not enforcing its own laws (immigration).
16:00 CA Prop 18 - struck down by the USG.
17:40 What about the 1933 state government reorg Steve?
19:30 WA session - was it never properly admitted to the US as a state? The second WA constitution thing.
24:00 AK mineral rights taken but a fund exists to give back to the people a portion.
25:40 Obama is talking about cutting NASA, Defense, etc.
26:19 Pelosi stimulus package was the last 820 billion we had left.
27:30 Open market manipulation by the USG
29:00 The Asian flu (crash) - what really happened.
37:30 We are now ruralizing - growing food instead of manufacturing goods.
40:16 What about the ecconomic hit-men?
41:00 The absurdity of pledging eminent domain to China.
42:14 The 9 nations of north america
43:10 State Nukehood
43:30 UT could emerge strong due to the mormon church
45:00 The Katrina Belt will rise again.
25:26 France vs Spain - how France won.
46:30 Mineral rights still in Texas
47:20 Boeing may move to Texas
49:17 The republican's tried to hold themselves as being "Moral" and now they are falling by that standard.
51:00 "I am thankful that John McCain wasn't elected"
51:30 Quality Education is killing us.
52:00 New Saint Andrews College
56:30 The probelem with the Bar : Bernadine Dohrn
57:00 Same kind of problem in medicine.
58:00 Music too
01:04:20 Genius in the woods of Alaska
01:06:20 Shut your mouth day.
01:07:00 Law school expelations had to be stopped with the thread of a lawsuit.
01:08:30 Sandys vision for education
01:09:40 The instututions are failing.
01:10:00 Ex: The cure for cancer.
01:12:30 Specialization is rarely useful too early in life.
01:13:40 Integrity and character is what matters
01:15:05 Music is an example of a free market
01:15:40 The critical professional threshold of mastery is how credibility is gained - not by degrees from corrupt institutions/judges.
01:17:22 HR - another example - the first ones to go in bad times.
01:20:10 Moral law vs Choice
01:20:30 The Birthrate Law
01:21:00 Russia paid people to have kids - didn't work.
01:21:20 Russians go without food till they can afford what they want.
01:22:40 Russian Dachas
01:25:20 The two halves of the Koran
01:28:20 Griswold vs Connecticut opened the door to Roe vs Wade. Two concenting adults idea.
01:30:00 Short window to go from condemned homosexuality to full blown pagan culture.
01:31:30 Our moral reproach makes us a lawful target for extinction.01:32:20 Nazis as an example
01:33:20 The new manfactured H1N1 virus.
01:43:20 Vaccinations become another vector for the virus.
01:36:25 Obama blew off the national day of prayer.
01:37:40 Our immorality cannot be sustained. It will destroy us or we will change.
01:38:30 Some simple fixes - make the representative districts smaller
01:39:00 Make the giant counties smaller, especially ones that mix rural and urban centers.
01:40:05 Two tier representation
01:40:40 Pure democracy push is insane
01:41:00 Resource fight is lining up for WWIII - Islamic world is key which is why Obama is in the white house.
01:43:00 The muslim threat to europe - they should see it by now
01:44:15 From a public policy view - abortion must end.

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