Friday, April 19, 2019

The power of an emergency

A change has happened to America in the last 60 years or so and has accelerated dramatically since the 911 incident in New York.  That is the power of an emergency to unleash the full force of government onto a particular target.
Examples of this are:

  • The creation of FEMA
  • Katrina
  • Any natural disaster such as an earthquake, flood or fire
  • Any economic disaster
  • A plague such as Ebola or AIDS
  • Even election tampering
I have experienced this personally many times when fires on my property have gotten out of control.

How is it that at one moment I am at home and feel quite secure that no one will trespass on my property and that the Sheriff will support me in protecting my property should I need help and the next moment, the Sheriff tells me the fire department is taking over my property to put out a fire I personally lit for reasons of fire safety that I don't consider to be out of control.
No one asks me if I want their fire suppression services.  My property is overrun by fire fighters and sometimes my own roads are blocked so I can't even inspect what is happening.  This may go on for several days till every ember is extinguished from a fire who's purpose is to burn fuel that could become a danger to me and my neighbors during a true wild fire.
The answer is: someone called 911.
The 911 call system is not just a way for people to report an emergency.  It is also a way for the government to justify taking emergency actions.  When a country is at war or life is in danger, any individual, and thus any collective power, is authorized by common sense to take whatever actions are necessary to address the emergency.  This is, on the surface, a very obvious necessity and is absolutely required to protect life and property.
However, this power has been routinely abused by government authorities to usurp powers normally not allowed by constitutional limits.
Now I am fighting a criminal charge of "burning without a permit".  This happened because the burn permit website gave me a different permit than what I asked for and expected.  They SAY this is not supposed to happen but the IDL (Idaho Department of Lands) says they don't keep http request logs on their server so I  can PROVE that I asked for a burn permit that was not allowed at that time.
Trespass and property damage have been caused to me not to mention leaving my property in a less fire-safe state - yet I am charged as a criminal!

Nuf said for now.

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