Friday, April 19, 2019

The "Strawman"

While working to defend myself from a criminal charge, (see my last post on "The Power of an Emergency") I have delved deeply into law.  On one great website I found (, I got back into the strawman issue.  This video explains it better than I have ever heard it explained in the past and proposes a process better than I have ever heard of in the past as well.
I have been aware of this idea for over 20 years but have never pulled the trigger and I have many good reasons for not doing this... but I digress....

What IS this STRAWMAN?

Watch the video for a really good deep explanation.
But the simple one is....

The STRAWMAN is a method of theft used prior to the advent of the FED.

Yup.  That's all it is.

How it works is, they take you and create a legal fiction from your Certificate of Live Birth called your Birth Certificate.  Yes these are two separate things.  You get the Birth Certificate you THINK is yours but it's something generated by the state before you are even born these days.

Its a way of allowing you to participate in commerce.
Ah yes, that little hole in the
Constitution for the united states of America
that the Pennsylvania Minority Report
noted before the ink was even dry.

I have a strong feeling that this whole
commerce scam
was in the works when the Constitution
was written but couldn't be implemented
till after the Civil War.

Your fake self is a "Transmitting Utility" into commerce.

Then your Certificate of Live Birth is used to create a bond which holds your physical person as collateral (called surety in the bond world) and from that they hypothicate all the fake money (I.O.U.s) from that bond to profit the government or whoever is behind this.

All kinds of government entities like the DMV, Banks, Credit Unions, municipalities, courts, etc. create or use variants of your name to create more bonds and create tons of fake money (FRNs) all based on your living person.
This effectively makes you a debtor slave so they can legally counterfeit all the FRN's they want to against your pitiful body.
(I'm not sure how they did it prior to the FED though - it just created some form of credit the elites could use to further enslave us.)

Now some people have tried to get their hands onto this mechanism to help themselves, and such a thing would seem righteous on the surface -

"Hey it's my body and I'll use it's bond if I want to!"
(Nice lyric!)

But after thinking about this for a bit, I realized the whole thing is a trap.  This whole STRAWMAN mechanism is just another mechanism for theft.  It's no different than the FED.  Do you really want to break God's law (Thou shalt not Steal) so you can clear your mortgage or get out of a lawsuit or whatever?  Yes its all a scam but are you sure you want to join it?

I am still considering using this to free myself from a victim-less crime action, but I am hesitant to do so.  God IS my protection and my inheritance.  Do I really think I am smart enough to use Satan's own system against him? (No)

But a nice private letter to the Judge telling him I know about this stuff could help and the nice term subrogation seems like a legit way to solve the problem. (Yes I am on the fence on this)

Anyway, realize this: The last commandment is "Thou shalt not Covet".  There is a reason for this.
It's probably the hardest one to keep (besides the first) especially if you have attained financial independence and are bored with all you have.

I am learning (finally!) that one of the greatest blessings you can have in life is to simply

Be Content with what you have!

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